Theme – Our Team

Why doesn’t God use slogans in the Bible? Because He’s a quickening Spirit. As we see in the outworking of the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit brings things into remembrance - as the wisest of all time wrote in his opening chapter - you simple ones, it’s time to get subtle, to catch the detail, to understand proverbs, riddles and the words of the wise.

Our team: The Church – the born again Bible believers from every kindred tribe and tongue

Mega Church

Meganauts - Biblical Disciples voyaging God’s omniscience mega-verse

Mega word 2022: Mega truth, by faith, with hope, in love fresh Mega truth Worship is the relational lifestyle that links; desire, purpose and wonder and leads to prayerful obedience outworked with a servant spirit in love

Review Jan 9: International Lowrarchy -

This was dealing with the nature of our team.

This session we are dealing with the key roles of our team, particularly leadership roles. Knowing our team’s nature and key roles goes a long way to gaining a clear understanding of our purpose. When we become born-again Bible believers, we are team, however God’s desire and design for our team is eternal relational destiny that is full of purpose way beyond simply being a team member and being a team. From the moment we become a born-again Bible believer we are accepted by God and there is nothing we can do to become more accepted. There is always the more everything we can do to work in obedience with God as Partners with Answers

Topic: Integrated five fold; mission, ministry master-craftsmanship

God’s platform for the discipleship process that leads to the taking hold and fulfilling of our God ordained purposes

Integrated linked, coordinated, work together, united connected

To be an effective team we need to be all these.

For today, the cessationists say referencing 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 - that which is perfect is the full Bible and it has come. While the Bible in itself is God’s perfect word, this is not what this portion is speaking of - both in terms of it’s immediate context (i.e. 1 Corinthians 12 and 14) and the full counsel of the word. Always the more, The Bible itself instructs us in various places to exercise the gifts and in Timothy talks about those who have a form of godliness but no power. Why would the Father give us His promise and then withdraw it?

As we see in Ephesians 4:13 - that which is perfect is the perfect man, the perfection of the saints for which the full counsel (the body of scripture) has been made available for the five fold ministry to use to bring about this perfection - please let me know if you are aware of any calvinists/cessationists or the likes who have authentically reached the fullness of the stature of Christ.

1 John 3:2

What are the fivefold?
Ephesians 4 and Psalm 68






What are the fivefold purposes (there are 7) - Ephesians 4:12-13

1. The Perfecting of The saints

2. The work of The ministry

- MMM - integrated Mission, Ministry, Master-craftsmanship

- Supernatural A Team

- It’s not just personal

3. The Edifying of The body of Christ

4. The Unity of The Faith


- Command mode blessing psalm 133

- Jude 1:3

5. The knowledge of The Son of God

- 1 Corinthians 2:12

- John 17:3

- Habakkuk 2:14

6. The perfect man

- 1 John 3:2

7. Unto The measure of The stature of The fullness of Christ

- Greatest marriage match

- Preparing for heaven: fluent in 7100 plus languages

- Willing to lay down His life , ever praying, pouring out His spirit, releasing new mercy every morning, confirming His word

Megamorphic Church