Our God #1

Theme: Our God

Following up on last months "Our Team” theme, we are running with Our God as our theme this month.

Our is a team word and our God is a team God - In fact our God is a team: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit !!!!!

Our God is not just a key team member, He is THE team leader. So like any team to get the optimum team performance we need to have optimum communication with our team leader.

In essence, to communicate with God is to pray.

Biblically, there is a place for both individual prayer and team prayer.

In both cases, the scriptures make it clear we should make our primary prayer focus an “Our" one, our Father and our team – give us our daily bread, forgive us as we forgive, deliver us from evil and lead us not into temptation.

Yes, even when we are praying on our own in the secret place, Jesus instructed us to use this “our" template - Matthew 6 and Luke 11.

Yes, Our Father, rather than my Father. This we rather than me, our rather than my guideline continues throughout the prayer instructions given by Jesus. This team prayer terminology is to be used even when we are praying on our own, in the secret place - which by the way, because the Holy Spirit is living in us, we can be in the secret place even in a crowd of people because we meet Him in our hearts. It’s fine to get in a closet, but not necessary.

There are plenty of references in the scriptures, including the psalms, various other old testament verses where there is a me and my emphasis, but overall from a New Testament perspective and even overall big picture OT, the emphasis is on we, us, our.

Here at Megamorphic we speak of being transformed by being Church. This is because Church is us, God’s ecclesia, His born again, Bible believing saints from every kindred tribe and tongue. So whether we are gathered or alone, we are Church. Praying, seeing, thinking, living, and being with this kind of heart attitude and mindset goes a long way to knowing we are accepted, we belong, we are important, we are useful, we have meaning and purpose

Prayer Partners with Answers

There is another our factor, another our God, our team relational factor in the overall Biblical prayer big picture. That factor is in regard to answers to prayer. Being the loving, living, enlightening relational God our God is

Biblical teaching on prayer places a significant emphasis on several key relational factors:

- Trusting God for His faithfulness, goodness, and mercy when praying

- Believing God hears when we ask

- Expecting to find when we seek

- Anticipating the door to open when we knock.

Earthly Fathers give to their children when asked, how much more our Father in Heaven when we ask Him, especially for His Holy Spirit - The promise of the Father

Possibly the greatest relational fulfillment we can experience with God and others is being the answer to the prayer others have prayed. Together as God’s A, Apostolic team we can be the answer to Jesus' own prayer. When we grow in our team unity we are doing just that, being the answer to Jesus' prayer in John 17:20-21

Get intimate with the infinite, discover our God’s; vibrant, virtuous, vintage relational ecstasy in eternity.

So much to know about and know experientially with God it is immeasurable and thus God has provided eternity for us to partake of the fulness of the infinite reality of relationship with Him and His born again, Bible-believing saints. To get to know our God involves being born twice, born in the natural of water, and born in the spiritual of spirit. Once we are born both in the natural and in the spiritual, we can’t be unborn however we can miss out on developing a relationship with our parents. Our God, our Father in Heaven’s will is supernatural relationship for the people of every kindred, tribe, and tongue. The supernatural relationship flows out of a worship lifestyle based on prayerful obedience outworked with a servant spirit in love. It includes both the intimate and the ecstatic. It links wonder, desire, and purpose.

Topic God’s eye omni-overview

An Omni overview because what we can get to perceive can come from God who is omniscient – all-knowing, omnipotent – all-powerful, and omnipresent – all present eternally existing

Jigsaw Puzzle People

Having the big picture makes solving the puzzle so much easier.

In the natural world getting a birds-eye view can go a long way to clarifying the big picture. God who knows all, sees all, is all present, all-powerful has all authority provides a God’s eye view both in the natural and eternal. Yes, God reveals the ultimate big picture when we engage in a lifestyle of prayerful obedience outworked with a servant spirit in loving excellence. It’s the Mega picture, it’s the Megaverse, join us as Biblical disciples voyaging the mega verse – Meganauts

Many think seeing is believing. Certainly, a significant proportion of modern scientists think this way holding to a perspective that if things can’t be seen and observed in the physical, then they surely do not exist.

People of faith, perhaps particularly Christians, would suggest that believing is seeing. Either way, there is way more to be seen, known, experienced than that which is observable with the physical eye and other faculties, whether in its own capacity or enhanced with some measure of technological sight enhancement device. (1 Corinthians

Prayer communication:

The Q’s, I’s, and D's

Questions - Spiritual hide and seek - to question is to ask, Biblically to; ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking. Knowing this kind of diligent inquiry is counted by God as nobility for it is the glory of God to hide matters and the honor of kings to search them out. We as born-again Bible believers are all kings and priests. God holds us all to question even the words of what may seem as the highest officials such as Paul the Apostle.

Quotients – God commands us to love, relate with Him heart, soul, mind, and strength i.e. with IQ, EQ, RQ, SQ, PQ

Important to understand these are designed to function in an integrated manner

Qualms God doesn’t do guilt trips works or false humility trips. We have all sinned and fallen short but genuine repentance is God’s way to deal with our sin not the false humility fo will worship. Listen to the great crowd not the condemnation crowd. We can do all things rather than don’t drop it.

Qualities God’s name, nature, nobility, wonder, worship, word, will, ways, works, wisdom - refer to session 3 of create to relate Bible foundations

Quantities infinite, immeasurable

Introduction as with any relationship when communicating with God we need to understand that relationships take time, grow and work best when we’ve established a mutual willingness to engage in relationship. God introduces himself to us through creation, the preaching of the cross, the work of His Holy Spirit using His leaders and other believers and even non-believers both in person and through their written/recorded expression. God knows us even before we were born, however in order to engage in relationship with God, especially the supernatural relationship that he desires with us, we need to make the choice to engage in relationship with God for who he actually is, not just some vague superstitious notion or creating a God in our own image based on our seriously limited human imagination

Information - facts, details, particulars about someone and/or something

Instruction - direction, order, command and teaching/training

Inspiration - where through life experiences, the exploits of other believers, songs, creative expression, acts of kindness, and all manner of faith-based actions we get exhorted, encouraged and motivated in a greater way to obey and act ourselves

Impartation – passing onto someone else a gifting from God particularly by laying on of hands, revelation - things passed on to us by the Holy Spirit particularly opening the eyes of our understanding to the truths of the scriptures and the mysteries of God’s mega verse reality

Dimensions - commonly identified by height, width, length, breadth. Thanks to Einstein we now know time is a fourth physical dimension. Modern science now recognizes 10 or more dimensions. God being eternal is outside of time, the universe and even heaven. We call the totality of God’s reality the megaverse

Domains - traditionally a geographical territory, we now also have internet domains such as megamaorphic.church

Dominions - similar to domains. Here we are making the distinction that a dominion is a ruling authority over a given domain


Are we born again? Have we entered God’s kingdom, His Mega verse?

How big is our current Big picture? Both of God and His mega verse?

Megamorphic Church