Flamdunktious 2


Flamdunktious the official meaning is "the fullness of dynamic expression that results from highly developed technique” and it’s our theme this month! 

Last week Phil got into explaining the Theme - the rhyme, the reason and scriptural subtlety secrets. And then he dug into the topic “F words of glory” where he challenged us to tame our tongue as a technique to living a vibrant, virtuous vintage lifestyle. 

Our topic this week is Flower Power and Biblical Motherhood. 

And before we get fully into it, on the topic of “taming our tongues”, 1 Peter 3:1 says “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives,”

That is a flamdunktious tamed tongue if you ask me! 

So Flower Power and Biblical Motherhood. 

Dad gave me a huge download regarding both of these topics and how they can tie together, which I’ve included at the end of these notes for you to dig into yourself. Any Berean’s out there, I have a challenge for you! Take the extra notes at the end and dig in, see what takeaways you come up with and bring them to Phil for discussion and further sharpening. 

I DARE you. (Ref: Last week Berean notes the HOW of the reason portion of the briefing) 

But as I prayed and dwelt on this topic of Flower Power and Biblical Motherhood, the thing that sat with me the most as a link between these two is another F word of glory:


In the scripture, the most common reason flower’s are mentioned are to point out the fleeting reality of life:

Job 14:2 He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.

Psalm 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

When it came to flower power, it was a generation who grew up understanding the fleeting nature of the climate from a sentimental perspective, but in essence the whole movement was about turning away from God. 

One of the beautiful things about flowers is that they show us we can trust God with our lives. They don’t worry about their clothes or whether or not they will spring to  life each year. When we see the fleeting nature of life, when eternity smacks us in the face, we either grab for what seems tangible or we look to God to make sure we’re all good with Him, surrendered. 

So…how does this relate to Motherhood? 

Let’s go back to the first mother and how her story impacts all of our stories. 

Genesis 3 (Whole Chapter) 

Eve was responsible for the fall, but God’s plan in response to Fall that f word of pain and destruction, was an f word of glory, a flamdunktious technique for us to live by. 


He took Eve’s fall, eve’s fail, and made a way to redeem not just all women, but all humanity. And he used women as part of the redemption story:

  • A woman birthed the savior

  • Women were with Jesus and didn’t flee at the cross

  • Women found him first alive

  • Women were first to TELL of His resurrection

  • We STILL have a reminder of the redemptive power of God EVERY SINGLE MONTH, in the shedding of our uterine wall each month we are reminded of God’s faithfulness to redeem our shame and make a way for us to be part of the life process! How beautiful.


  • We must receive His forgiveness

  • We must GIVE forgiveness

Flower power & Biblical Motherhood: Phil’s download

The flower of her youth scripture 1 cor 7 

Solomon not arrayed as good - where does worry come from? 

Rev 12 - preggo mother

Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all 

Gen - seed of woman

Gen 1-2 

Psalm 110 the womb of the morning 

Isaiah 65 or 66 - like a mother 

Proverbs 31 (plus other mother proverbs) 

“My mother is those who believe”” 

Gen 24 - Isaac took bride to mother’s house 

Romans 1 - because of creation we’re without excuse - link to Solomon’s glory 

Includes flowers - glory of that greater than Solomon

Do you recognize that? 

If not, it’s not God’s fault that lack of recognition is to do with the various realities that relate to a sinful nature. 

God chose a mother to bring a messiah to planet earth 

Makes barren a happy mother of children 

Flower power movement of the 70s - very human sentiment - make peace not war, etc but in essence turning away from God 

Same thing happening and multiplied 

If you turn from god it goes from generation to generation 

The world glorifies the talent, but doesn’t recognize where the talent came from
World looking for experiences and perspectives, like corinthians - always chasing the new thing 

Conservatives looking to man made traditions but not realizing man is above all that

Commandment “honor father and mother” if ya want a long life 


Megamorphic Church