(Note for those note in attendance: we opened the speaking with Peter Gabriel’s “Sledgehammer” (handy link)
Today’s topic part of Apostolic theme,
We’re talking, singing, demonstrating sledgehammer-ness here because it’s time to get out the sledgehammer in regard to smashing down huge strongholds in the current born again Bible believing church being mindset and in the broader cultural context – today’s prevailing Zeitgeist. So this word today is deliberately provocative, assertive and a serious full on case of anointed Bible Bashing. While there is an important factor in our discipleship of making sure we are fully kitted with the armor of God so we don’t get so to speak hit with satanic and worldly influences that disempower us, there is an even greater factor in terms of us impacting the thinking of the world so that people, cultures and nations embrace God’s kingdom principles. Attack the schlack!!!! We are the Calvary enforcement agency, the victory is already won by Jesus on the cross, the battle is the Lord’s and the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells within each of us so let's be bold, very courageous and GO take the land.
This word, this briefing is designed to do all this, and more!
Sledgehammer-ness references:
Jeremiah 23:29 "“Is not My word like a fire?” says the LORD, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”
2 Corinthians 10:4-6 "(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled"
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Jeremiah 1:10 "See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.””
Hebrews 12:27 "And this word, Yet once more, signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.”
The purpose of this sledgehammer-like anointed Bible Bashing is to help clear the way for a massive refocus of the attention of the full spectrum of the Born Again Bible Believing Church in order that much greater progress can be made, indeed Bible Translation history wherein the vital great commission outcome of every living language having a full Bible is achieved. I am saying and I believe I have the mind of God, that right now there are massive strongholds getting in the way of the needed focus and thus the vital outcome.
The reason this full translation for every living language outcome is vital is because the great commission is to disciple all nations. To be a disciple we MUST continue in God’s word. How can people be a disciple without the word of God in their heart language!?
(John 6 and Acts 22 when Paul spoke in Hebrew the Jews paid much closer attention)
These videos/links are designed to provoke fresh thinking. They do not necessarily represent Megamorphic policy and perspectives as such however they do touch on in one way or another some significant current ZEITH Geist key note issues:
WOMAD: (Handy Link) - global multicultural music festival based network set up by Peter Gabriel (who wrote sledgehammer) he was part of the cutting edge British rock group Genesis which also featured Phil Collins, made a conscious decision that there was way more to music and creativity than just what was in pop and the general commercial rock scene. Great inspiration for what god has put on our hearts at metamorphic where we believe there is a massive stronghold in Christian music and creativity where there’s very limited accessible and well resourced multicultural expression.
Savory Institute Video: LINK
Brazil Soy Farming Video: LINK
Chose these for two reasons, there’s a massive stronghold in today’s zeitgeist where there’s a huge myopic preoccupation with issues such as climate change, pollution, the environment and related supposed answers, vegetarianism, veganism, the notion that God, His word and church don’t line up w/ science. IN a growing way because of the dominant focus on these in pop culture, media, politics etc this “modern zeitgeist leaven” is more and more infiltrating the church and church leaders. Allan Savory, as explained by Nicolette Niman makes the proposition that totally counter to pop perception, raising cattle on grace is realistically has the greatest potential to achieve net carbon reduction in the atmosphere, reduce soil erosions, improve topsoil sustainability, clean water, water retention quantities and the list goes on. (Proverbs 14:4 where no oxen the crib is clean.)
Rinehard Bonkke Video: LINK
HERE IS THE SOLUTION - despite the popular perception especially in the developed world that Christianity is on the demise, Christ for All Nations for decades now has been winning millions of souls and demonstrating the fulfillment of Jesus’ words that his believers would do greater things than him.
I have a friend who is involved in a Bible translation ministry and he told me every language now has the Bible
Quote from ministry leader in a tone that seriously challenged the factual statistics I was presenting based on what is high subjective hearsay as reflected in leaders comment
They better be translating from the King James version - demonstrating highly ignorant and cognitively bias heart attitude and mind set
I understand what you are saying and I recognize the need however our missions budget is already committed
Prevailing leadership stronghold with associated and ingrained underlying closed mindedness – major lack of willingness to explore innovative possibilities
Can’t the Holy Spirit just speak to them - again an ignorant and cognitively bias perspective often coming from people who see themselves as real deal disciples, lovers of God’s word and into what they see as the meat of God’s word. In their case however they see the meat as digging into theological and prophetic technicalities not even aware that Jesus said His meat is to do God’s will
Other nations are not really my thing - reflecting a huge lack of understanding as to Romans chapter 4 , in particular that Jesus died on the cross so that all born again Bible believers would have and eternal destiny in the nations as a part of our exceeding great reward package that is the gift of eternal life.
Why don’t they just use google translate. Again reflecting serious ignorance as to all that is actually involved in the Bible translation process
Who did Jesus give the great commission to?
The Church
Many think Bible translation is just one of numerous mission options . Similarly that missions is a calling for a select few.
Nations are for all
The Cross: seed must die
No gory no glory!
John 6 we must eat of Jesus’ flesh, drink of his blood.
Lamb that was slain, no blood no remission of sin. No blood no acceptable offering, no blood no overcoming of satan Empathetic sensitivity or sympathetic sentimentality?
Fatted calf not fatted broccoli
Summary – B.I.D
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day
Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime
Give a man God’s word in his native tongue and teach him how to fish for men, feed him and his people group for eternity
Get A specific Bible less people group to pray for
Committ to daily praying for nations
Make involvement in nations part of self, team and social talk