M.A.G.H.A.N. #2
Our theme this month is Make America Grateful Here And Now
The topic today is from the secret place, to the public space, to the human race.
In that context, I believe I am here to compel you to fight for the Glory of God.
We were created for the Glory of God. To bring Him Glory, to add to His glory and the glory of His kingdom, to generate glory. God’s glory is our why. We need to fight for the glory of God in our secret place, we need to fight for the glory of God in the public space, and we need to fight for the glory of God for the human race.
But maybe”the glory of God” is not a tangible thing for you - you’re perhaps thinking “Why am I made for His Glory?”, “how does this work?” “what even is the glory of God?”, “why should I care?”
The Bible is how we best get to know God. It reveals His wonder, worship, word, will, ways, works, and wisdom. It shows us patterns of how He functions and being that He created us, it gives us insight into how we best function when we follow His patterns. So let’s take a look at Glory from a Biblical perspective:
There are 12 Hebrew words and 7 Greek words that are translated as “glory” in English. These words encompass:
Purity/ Clearness
Exodus 33
Moses was encountering the Fullness, the weight of God.
Israel was called as a Nation to bring Glory to God amongst the other Nations. Their victory, their way of living, their relationship were all meant to make the other nations go “Woah” and exalt God.
What is amazing is God has also given us the ability to reveal His glory to the world, to carry His glory, to add to his and our and the nations glory. And THAT is what I am encouraging us to fight for.
So HOW do we fight for the glory of God in relation to Secret Place, Public Space, Human Race?
2 Timothy 1:8-10 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began, but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel
We need to realize when we come into God’s Kingdom we are BOTH Saved and called - calling is purpose, fulfilling our purpose brings God glory - it flows from grateful obedience (which both also generate glory)
The enemy is after your purpose - he’s about causing us to quit, FYI, Quitting doesn’t necessarily mean you do something bad - you might shut down your God purpose, Take foot off gas, or give up
This messes w/ glory of God
So how do we stay in our purpose?
Break down the story of Caleb in the Old Testament:
At least a half-caste, maybe not even Hebrew - dad was a Kenizzite
Despite this, CHOSEN to rep the tribe of Judah as a spy
Had a “different spirit”
Gave a GOOD report, and faith-filled report
Rewarded as being 1 of only TWO of the generation who left Egypt to actually enter the promised land (even Moses didn’t get to)
Joshua 14, Caleb is now 85 and STILL hasn’t received what God promised (His purpose)
Been busy doing all the things and conquering and following God’s general overall plan for the PEOPLE - and probably also being severely disappointed that everyone else got him stuck in the desert for 40 years
This dude has so many reasons to leave, have an attitude, hold a grudge, give up, doubt - but he has remained steadfast for all these years to the point that at 85 he’s not only able to go in and take the land, but he can also clear out the giants there so that the next generation doesn’t have to fight.
This guy is full of grit. And as I have been meditating on this topic of the secret place, to the public space, to the human race, God has been highlighting this story to me.
Caleb had so taken hold of God’s glory that behind the scenes, in the secret place he had done the work to build his faith. Take Hold of God’s word, believe it, and live it.
This empowered him to stand in the public space and say with authority “those giants are BREAD for us”. It empowered him to endure everyone around him failing but staying with them knowing they were still God’s chosen nation, and persevering with the consequences of what they (not he) chose
And as a result, His faithfulness was so instrumental that it, and he and his story is part of God’s story to the human race. A testimony that blesses us all and teaches us how to do likewise.
Practical level - the beatitudes - check them out because the glory flows from a pure heart and Jesus has given us some clear, practical points to ensure a pure heart. They all relate to what goes on in our secret place (our heart) - ensure that when we’re in the secret place with God, if we really want to be fighting for glory, we need to make sure the Holy Spirit and word are purifying our HEART. This needs to be our primary focus rather than our needs and woes - God will sort those.
It’s in the midst of Jesus teaching on the secret place, Jesus teaches to pray “our”, “us”, and “we” - even in the secret place, our primary focus in prayer should be on the team and our attitude toward others.
When we are out there to serve others and honor God, we WILL generate glory
All of our ultimate purpose is actually to empower others to receive all this so they can do it too.
Not only that, but one of the prophetic factors we major on here at Mega is the GLORY OF THE NATIONS. God’s purpose for the nations IS glorious and we must be about fighting for it.
Get Saved
Chase glory in your secret place
Bring glory to the public space
Generate glory for the Human race