

State of the Great Commission

The Great Commission as per Matthew 28:19-20 is “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age”.

To be a disciple we must continue in Gods word (John 8:31). Right now there are approx. 7100 living languages and less than 600 (<10%) have a full Bible with over 2000 not even having one verse. This equates to hundreds of millions of people who Jesus died for, who cannot enjoy the privilege of engaging in Biblical discipleship.

To date much of mission endeavor has been undertaken with the general mindset that some only are called to be missionaries whereas Biblically we all have an inheritance to take hold of in the nations. Similarly much of our approach is based around taking discipleship resources we have prepared based on our cultural discipleship context. Bible translation not only gets God’s word available in specific people groups heart language but also develops the literacy that enables them with assistance to develop such resources in their own cultural context and linguistic understanding

Together we all as the born again, Bible believing, Body of Christ can collaborate with God and one another, and transform the present status so that all nations do indeed get to be disciples that learn all things Biblical and know the awesome reality that Jesus desires to be with them now and forever. Cultural geographic, lineage, language diversity has been part of God’s glory along with the variety in all of creation from before the foundation of the earth to the formation of nations in Genesis 10, as the birth of The Church in Acts 2, to the throne room scenes in Revelation 5, in the New Jerusalem Rev 21 v 24 to 26 an the healing of the nations in Rev 22 v 2

It has been said ‘give a man a fish , feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish feed him for a lifetime’. We advocate ‘ give that man Gods word in his heart language , teach him how to fish for men and you will feed a people group for eternity’’

There are but a few Bible verses which clearly and directly state that by doing a particular thing then people will come to a knowledge of God. Three such interrelated factors are; our love for each other, our unity and our gathering. Acts 15. David’s Tabernacle was the gathering place and this verse is telling us that through its restoration the rest of mankind will come to seek the Lord.

Being a joyful house of prayer for the nation

Jesus our Great High Priest. Ever lives to make intercession, 24/7 and thus is able to save to the uttermost. His word instructs us to pray without ceasing. His most physically aggressive action was to turn the money changers tables and drive out the merchandisers. Many see this as the purpose. We suggest it was the process with the purpose being for us to be Our Father in Heaven’s house fo payer for the nations. The prophet Isaiah makes it clear we are to be joyful. Yes the kingdom God is in righteousness, peace and joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength and joining Jesus in intercessory prayer for the nations will not only ensure our lives are overflowing with joy, but strengthen us to endure a soul winning lifestyle full of the joy the angels know.
GOTN Inheritance in the nations

Jesus our Chief Apostle is also our exceeding great reward. We all as His Church having been purchased by His blood have an inheritance to take hold of in the nations. For too long we have way overemphasized Jesus as a personal Savior. Yes the new covenant is between God and each of us personally living with the Holy Spirit dwelling within. However, just as Jesus taught us to pray; our Father, give us our daily bread, forgive us, lead us and deliver us, even in our secret place devotional life. So in all our diversity, we are one Body with a God given part to play in the GO of the Great Commission shining the glorious light of the gospel from heaven to our; hearts, homes, neighborhoods and the ends of the earth.

One Holy Nation

As New Covenant Saints we are all; part of a “Chosen Generation Kings, Royal Priests and citizens of one Holy Nation” gifted an unction to function from the micro to the macro from the molecular to the mega, feeding on slain giants, moving mountains, more than conquering all manner of opposition, overcoming satan and the world, enforcing the victory of Calvary, being Ambassadors of God’s heavenly kingdom and deliciously judiciously executing eternal judgement.

In all this we are to be the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah which read, “ While Jesus is the Head of The Church we the Body and shoulders are part of the Body”. Thus, we are to carry God’s supernatural noble government. Throughout scripture the exercise of God’s delegated authority is carried out in divisions of tens, fifties, hundreds, thousands,tribes by their hundreds of thousands ofthousands and as one nation.

Partnership the reason and rhyme of the Biblical pilgrimage song God, father, Son and Holy Spirit is love and as such an eternal model of prayerful, purposeful and powerful partnership. New wine is a parabolic picture of the process by which we partake fo God’s great an dprecious promises. The new wine is found in the cluster Isaiah 65 v8.

Preparing for Heaven
Jesus is also The Lamb. The Lamb that;
- Was slain to take away the sin of the world,

Went to the slaughter so we could be sons and daughters

Provides salvation for households

Sits on the throne in the midst of the saints from every kindred, tribe and tongue

Is the Bridegroom that we His Bride will have prepared ourselves as His spouse at the great Holy Matrimonial Feast. Thus worship in spirit and truth both now and into eternity involves relational intimacy and vibrant, virtuous, vintage ecstasy