Mobilizing an inter-generational network of affirmation zone, tone setting, soul winning creative disciples to flourish in their relationship with God and thrive in His Kingdom, with the capacity to impart His supernatural; love, life, light and eternal purpose for the nations to all people groups in their heart language.
Transformation in the natural, from caterpillar to butterfly, and coal to diamond, is 'metamorphic'. So, transformation in the spiritual, from sinner to new creation and born again maturity in Christ, is Megamorphic.
(Romans 3:23, 2 Corinthiasn 5:7, John 3:4-7. 2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 4:11-13)
Megamorphic Church is called by the God of the Nations; Our Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus, His Son, to function in the loving power of His Holy Spirit; for His glory, to generate unity with purpose in the church worldwide and to hasten the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This interdependence is designed to produce dynamics and economies of scale that mutually benefit members of the Body of Christ from the micro to the macro.
Our Beginnings.
Megamorphic Church was founded by the Smith Family - Phil, Shona, Esther and Caleb (now Eversmith), with the primary assistance of Raymond Barnett Jr. and Maghan Everidge (now Eversmith). It was conceived from a seed planted by God in the heart of Caleb in 2012 when, while recording an album, the word "Megamorphic" was quickened to him, followed by the interpretation.
The church was birthed at "The Manger", the basement of the Smith abode in Hermitage, Tennessee.