A Zone Layers 1

Theme: The A zone layers of the Atonement sphere
Topic: The Atonement sphere

 “Atonement sphere” 

Atonement Lexicon: https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=atonement&t=KJV#s=t_lexiconc

The essence of atonement is reconciliation  
-          Colossians 1:20
-          2 Corinthians 4
-          Rom 5:11
-          In the OT there was one day of atonement each year – in the NT, every day is a day of atonement, 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 now is the time, today is the day
Full list of Atonement scriptures: https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=atonement&t=KJV#s=t_lexiconc

At ‘one’ ment Sphere

When things are reconciled they become one. They match up, line, up, add up and come together in unity, harmony and symphony. To reconcile is to resolve and a key part of music is the resolve factor. 

-          Psalm 133
-          John 17:3
-          Acts 2:1
-          Matt 18:19 (agree)
-          1 Corinthians chapters 12-14 (One spirit, one body)


Three key words: Blessing, blessing, blessing
Layers and layers of blessing
Blessing is the dominant element in the atonement sphere. 
So often when we pray, we pray for our or some other persons blessing -  the gatherers’ prayer starts with blessing our God – Matt 6, Luke 11
God is worthy of all blessing – Revelation 5:12-13, Revelation 7:12
“Bless the Lord” references - https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=bless+the+lord&t=KJV#s=s_primary_0_1
Bless Lexicon: https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=bless&t=KJV#s=t_lexiconc

The atonement sphere works on the basis of give and you will be given (Luke 6:38), so as we bless God we will be blessed
Deuteronomy 28 - blessing and cursing 

Revelation chapters 4 on various atonement scenes

The gospels love in person
Summary of law and prophets: love God love others
To testify is to love 

Job – when we think we might have everything right, know that could be the time when we get sifted by satan but also know that God has not shifted. This was Job’s pathway to double portion blessing lifted.

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