The Bride of Christ (Rev 21:9)

First Lady of the new Jerusalem (Rev 21:2)

Pilgrims on a soul search (Psalm 119:54) // City not made w hands (2 Cor 5:1, Heb 9:11)

City on a hill (Matt 5:14)

Sons and daughters of our Father in heaven (2 Cor 6:18)

Born again (John 3:7)

New creation disciples (2 Cor 5:17, Gal 6:15)

Bible believing saints  

Joint heirs with Jesus (Romans 8:17)

every spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3)

gold silver and precious stones (1 Cor 3:12)

crowns (1 Cor 9:25)

The Body of Christ (Romans 7:4, 1 Co 10:16, 1 Co 12:27, Eph 4:12)

God’s love in person

Salt of the earth (Matt 5:13)

Light of the world (Matt 5:14)

Royal Priesthood (1 Pe 2:9)

Spending time at the altar to alter the times
Daniel, Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Joshua, Jesus, The Church in Acts 

Lively stones (1 Pe 2:5) in God’s joyful house of prayer for the nations (Is 56:7)

Worshippers  (John 4:23)

Chosen Generation 1 Pe 2:9 Psalm 45

Holy Nation 1 Pe 2:9

Armed Forces 

Ephesians 6 
2 Cor weapons of warfare
Timothy fight the good fight
Matt Kingdom suffers violence, 
More than conquerors (Rom 8:37)


Branches on the vine (John 15:5)

Co- laborers in the harvest

Fishers of men (Matt 4:19)

The Flock 

Sheep in green pastures (John 10)

Living Sacrifice (Romans 12:1)

Food for the sacrifice (John 6)

Super-naturalized citizens of the commonwealth of Israel 

Free indeed (john 8:36)

Megamorphic Church 

Our team 
Jesus doing a brilliant job 
Seated in Heavenly places 

Megamorphic Church