A, E & S M #5
This topic is in essence, an executive summary of the Church’s God given first priority - its Apostolic mandate. This mandate is the overall focus for this month’s; Apostles, Epistles and Supernatural missiles theme. As we have said many times and continue to emphasize, this Apostolic mandate is for the born again new creation church beings of every kindred, tribe and tongue. Furthermore, the apostolic endeavor necessary to fulfill this mandate is being led by our chief Apostle, Jesus Christ Himself, the God of the Nations. True to His word, His very nature and His impeccable character, He has, is and will continue to do a brilliant job building the Church across the earth and in collaboration with our father in heaven empowering her by the Holy Spirit to fully complete this apostolic mandate. What an honor and a privilege to be part of such a destiny, heritage, and purpose.
We have covered four topics, Apostles, Epistles, Supernatural missiles, and Discipling all Nations, I strongly recommend if not already done, undertaking the Berean study for each of these. Today’s topic is “The ALLs of the Great Commission”.
In the name of Jesus
Matthew 28: 18 - Check it Out
To exercise authority we need to be under authority
Matthew 8:9 and Luke 7:8 - GO HERE
Given to us
Eph 1:1-15, outlines a range of the details that make up the overall authority blessing that God has given to us.
Keys of the kingdom to us, the Church – imagine getting married and offering keys to everyone but your wife- there are those who speak about kingdom ministry that often imply or worse, intend to convey that the Kingdom ministry is something greater than the ministry of the church. Whereas, not only are they both one and the same, from God’s perspective, the Kingdom ministry is intentionally for the church only as the Church and no one else is the bride that Jesus is preparing for Himself in collaboration with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit.
Binding and loosing. (Matt 16:19). Important to understand that because we operate in collaboration with God, knowing that we already have victory as achieved by Jesus on the cross. We day by day live with the psychological and spiritual advantage over all other authorities, thus being on the attack.
Luke 9 and 10 factors - Jesus gave authority to the disciples. These two chapters outline the things that we are to do in order to enforce the authority we are given.
- All devils
- Heal / cure diseases
- Wholeheartedly trust God for all we need
- Go to houses and cities
- Make relational connections
- Shake off the dust when not received
- Influence earthly leaders, neighborhoods and communities
- Testified as to what takes place
- Rested after their exploits
- Appoint and anoint teams
- Go out in pairs
- Carry out plentiful harvest campaigns
- Go in advance and prepare the way for the main preacher / presentation team
- Preach the gospel of the kingdom
- Be confident in God’s commissioning and see persecution and the likes as having serious consequences for those who reject / persecute and not to take this personally or don’t allow it to diminish our confidence . If anything it should show us it means we are moving forward in God’s purposes
- Maintain composure - joy in God, and the fact that our names are written in heaven and not getting swept away with what is going on around us.
Ephesians 4 :7,11–13 leaders to serve all to come into these things which work together to provide the platform for exercising the authority God has given us
Perfecting / maturing of the saints – able to teach foundations
The work of the ministry
Unity of the Faith
Knowledge of God – informational and relational knowledge developing a growing understanding of the distinction between God’s word, works and ways. https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/Lexicon/Lexicon.cfm?strongs=G1922&t=KJV
Psalm 103:7 – made his ways known to Moses and His acts to the Children of Israel
Unto the stature of the fullness of Christ
Different capacities (Matt 25:14-30, Luke 19:11-27) - Deut 1: 15. Romans 12:1 - 13, 1 Corinthians
GO – gathering and outreach
Not all are sent but all are to gather and when we gather we are to pray for those who have been and are to be sent along with providing support for those are sent. (Romans 10:14-15)
Nations means people groups – family kindred, tribe tongue, nations, geographical territory. Gen 10:32. Acts 17:26
Multi Millennial mandate – as revealed to Megamorphic Captain Caleb, God’s word is a mandate, the first documented mandate for the people of all nations to live prosperously and eternally
There are now other charters eg United Nations charter because the Bible multi millennial mandate is God’s design and is centered around God making it work . it is by far the best the only mandate that will fully and truly come to pass. This is a point of great confidence for us as God’s chosen people when we live in an age where there is a mounting satanic accusation against the church that we are bigoted, hypocritical racists – in principle and in practice not so.
Genesis 1:1 through to Revelation 22:21 in other words the command not only to disciple and baptize all nations is also to teach them all things and this includes the full counsel of God’s word. Old and New testament from the very first to the very last verse, time to expose and defeat the ridiculous heresy that is propagated by cessationist teachers. The gifts are still for today.
Emmanuel God with us
Never, ever, never, never, never leave or forsake us - 1 Kings 8:57 and Heb 5:13
New covenant – with each of us – Jere 31:3, Heb 8:10, Heb 10:16
Abba Father Romans 8:15, Gal 4:6
To take hold of all God has for us which is to be deliberately and boldly apostolic by engaging in the ALLs of the great commission