W, Double You #5

The Biblical; who, what, when, where, why of women

In the full spectrum of the church there are differing views on women, so today for mother’s day, the day we are celebrating the noble God-given role of Motherhood, as part of our “W, Double You” Series we are going to dig into the Biblical who what when where and why of women. 

Right upfront, I want to state plainly: I believe from a scriptural perspective, woman can preach, teach, prophecy, pastor, lead, I believe women are called to play important parts in fulfilling the apostolic great commission given to the church, I believe that the church is the bride of Christ. And that women can basically do anything God calls them to do, which includes the supernatural noble role of motherhood. It’s time to restore that perspective, that all these possibilities in God include mothers!!! 

  • Do we believe God is a creator - for those who think you wholeheartedly believe it - do you see womanhood and motherhood as a supernatural noble role?

  • Do we believe God is good? 

  • Do we believe anything is possible with God?  

There are effectively 4 views on women in ministry, and women’s roles in home and church. 

  1. Stereotypical Traditional (not Biblical)

    Mom stays at home and cooks chicken, dad comes home and get’s big piece of chicken.
    Mostly nonsense

  2. Progressive (continually changing)
    Never found two feminists who agree with one another, especially on gender theory
    As lame as traditional

  3. Biblical Egalitarian

    Idea that men and women are equal in christ in value, equal in Christ in roles

    No gender roles in men and women anymore

    Suggests that women can do and function in any way they like in the home and church

    Free for all

  4. Biblical Complementarian

    Men and women equal redemptively but there are still roles

    We are designed uniquely and differently, very specific design that is different to each other

    There is variance in this

WE believe at Mega that men and women are composites - made with intrinsic value, uniquely designed to function together as the church in order to fulfill the Great Commission 

There is so much capacity for people to determine for themselves how their families will work etc, but that doesn’t mean there aren't some distinct Biblical guidelines as to how it will work best

I believe when we establish our view, we do well when we look FIRST at Trinity. Because when we look to Genesis, we see we are created MAN AND WOMEN in God’s image. 

God is three distinct persons and yet of one substance
Three distinct personalities
Three distinct functions

Scriptures hows us;

  • Father is first among equals (Jesus and Holy Spirit are both sent ones).

  • Father has will and strategy, Son and HS lovingly obey. Spirit doesn’t speak on His own authority either

  • All God, co-equal but order in the Godhead.

Equality is not based on function or ability, but rather from the Divine Being
In progressive culture if you’re equal it means you have the same job, make the same amount of money, and have the same role
True Biblical equality not like this - it is intrinsically in your value.  
Are men and women equal? YES
We are equal “Redemptively” in terms of value, but we have different individual functions (just like the Godhead) - each man, each woman. 
Progressive have it flipped - sex is binary, culture and race is diverse. Sex binary, individuals diverse. Gender binary. 

When Jesus was asked about marriage, He goes right into gender roles!  “God made male and female” 
They are opposites but they’re for one another.  A lot in common, some things not in common
Meant to come together, complement and complete one another - not just if you’re in romantic relationship, we need each other in society 
Male means not female, and female means not male. 
There are cultural things that are ridiculous (girls like pink) but it doesn’t change that God made male and female.
Masculinity is not toxic, femininity is not toxic, they are designed by the Lord and HE defines them. 
So, pretending there isn’t female or male is dumb because God created them. Jesus quotes them and affirms them by quoting them. 
Mark 10:1-12
We are EQUAL because we are made in the image of God and because that’s part of how God shows His love. 

Biological differences that don’t limit but define

  • Men can’t carry a baby, can’t be mothers

  • Our biology lends itself toward the feminine or masculine

  • We need both fathers and mothers.

Modern gender theory has taught that anatomy is the only difference between men and women, and that gender is a social construct that causes men and women to want a certain thing. 
Equality of outcome is the obsession of progressives, Marxists etc

Stat: In the most equal opportunity and gender-fluid countries in the world the so-called “best we have”, Men and Women have actually increased in their differences. 

Examples of Differences:
Women that become doctors have a higher tendency toward becoming veterinarians 
Men are more inclined to work in garbage management or septic tank removal - this is not because of oppression or inequality. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean women are kept out of places, it means men and women want different things overall. 

Key NT Scriptures on Gender

Ephesians 5:22-33 (male love, female submission/respect)  
Husbanding is a garden term - wives aren’t called to husband their husband. 
Wives are called to allow men to lead them - leadership and love looks like men paying the physical toll and laying down their lives  
Washing w/ water of the word - 

  • doesn’t mean dictating to women what they should do

  • Helping to refresh them in decisions they’ve already made.

  • Affirm them and create affirmation zone

  • Helping get past the crap of the day

1 Timothy 2:11-15 

Paul writing to Timothy, Timothy was pastor of Ephesus
Ephesus is the stomping ground of Diana
They taught women came before men, female-dominated cult/society 
Paul is correcting, thus he is harsh. “I don’t want women domineering or taking authority from men”

1 Corinthians 14:33-37

Paul is saying to them (as in all the churches) I want there to be order. 
Back then, women sat with women, men sat with men
During the teaching time the women would chat amongst themselves or ask questions and interrupt 
Paul is going I don’t want them to talk and chatter in church, husbands go home and tell them. I don’t want chaos 

1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Father is head of Christ, Christ head of Church, Husband head of wife
Kephale https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G2776&t=KJV 
Clothing has symbols -there were cultural things going on. 
Regardless of the covering, men and women are both praying and prophesying in public in the Corinthian church. Paul is giving dress regulations that vary for each role and that relate culturally to the time
Prophecy is preaching, preaching is prophecy. 

There are 50 different appearances of this same word “Kephale” in extra-Biblical literature and in all, the word is used in reference to governance - never used without authority.  

This concept is a prophetic mystery, it’s clear that it’s how it works, but the why is not clear. We can’t look at it and say “men are better at leadership” because it’s clear in history that there are men who SUCK at leadership. However, we do need to look at it and go “Ok God, it’s your way and i’ll obey it”

Col 3:18 - wives submit to your husbands as is fitting in the Lord 

1 Peter 3:1-7 wives be subject to your husbands “so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives”...etc



  1. Women are encouraged to prophecy and pray in public in a way that is not distracting. (Same true for men)

  2. Women must be conscious of their appearance and clothing (same with men)

  3. Women are encouraged to learn about the ways of God. (same with men)

  4. Husbands are to take an active role in their education (be the initiator)

  5. Paul insists that order prevail publicly at the expense of personal freedoms, even his own.

  6. There should be no conflict between men and women in the church

  7. Men and women must maintain the distinctions between the sexes. God created them this way.

  8. Pagan culture will have a lot to say about genders. Paul wants us to appeal to Scripture in all of these things. Look to women in scripture who were dynamic in their calling and model yourself that way.

  9. God calls women with gifts for the growth and success of the church

  10. The New Testament has many women in leadership positions

  11. Men aspiring to leadership must be humble and not self-willed. Same with women

  12. There is no place for male Chauvinism or Harmful Feminism in the Church that character assassinates the opposite sex.

Both men and women are church. We’re about BEING church, Bible talks about being in and going to but primarily weARE church. All can speak as the church. 

Wherever we go people will know we are Christian generally and they will be watching. Those who have a God ordained, delegates leadership position need to be qualified so they are informed and not just speaking from opinion - Make sure you read 

Proverbs 31 = great platform for women worthy of praise 

Lydia seller of purple
Priscilla and Aquila 
Timothy taught by grandma 

OVERALL: JOIN GOD’S KINGDOM TEAM: THE CHURCH, get planted, get submitted, get busy building what God is building, wait on the Lord for His word.

FIND TRUE POTENTIAL ACCORDING TO DESIGN - Live prophetically to the world who have no clue who they are.  


Make sure you’ve received the gift of eternal life

Wholeheartedly choose to BE church 

Determine to be people who HEAR GOD and function according to His ways. 

Megamorphic Church